As of November 2024, we are no longer taking in drop-off hardware repairs.

We're the reason "it just works."

Mac Service & Support

Our position is simple: we want to be helpful. 

Whether you’re an IT director with Macs on your network — but no genuine Mac experts on your staff — or a small business owner without any full-time IT personnel at all, our Mac Service & Support programs are designed to help you.

Company Evaluation

We come to your facility, inventory your systems, map your network, analyze your needs, and construct an appropriate action plan. Our work will ensure that your IT systems have the best chance of operating smoothly, and you have the best chance to focus on other things.

Proactivity is Key

Just like routine oil changes and maintenance can save you from a sudden engine failure and super-expensive engine rebuild, so too is it better to be proactive about your business’ IT needs. That’s why we emphasize the need for every business to have proper Mac service and support.

If you’re ready to be proactive about your technology’s needs, contact us today to set up a meeting. 

Apple/MAC Service and Support

Some of what we can do.

Get your questions answered by our highly qualified engineers. In addition to our entire team carrying multiple Apple certifications, Technology Revealed has been in business for more than 25 years, and we’ve seen just about every problem and solution.

We make sure your software licenses are up to date and in compliance with applicable rules and regulations. We can make sure blocks are purchased in appropriate numbers for your active users.

For companies with multiple workstations, we can make sure software versions are always up to date and in sync from system to system. (Our record is 5,000 devices managed within a single organization).

Whether you have policies you need implemented, or whether you need guidance in creating a process, we can help you manage turnover activities and maintain security.

And much much more.